Chairman's Blog, Dec 2020
This year has been, as the Queen memorably described 1992, an “annus horribilis”. For all of us it has meant lockdowns, an inability to meet relatives and friends including those in care homes, to worship, to travel and to go on holiday as we wished. For many people it has been very much worse, with the loss of loved ones through Covid or otherwise and, made worse by attendance at funerals being very limited. Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected.
Although we were unable to hold the AGM in April, the committee members have continued to liaise by email, Zoom meetings and shared reports. We have also held two socially distanced meetings, an outdoor one held at the Paddock allotments and an indoor one at St. Saviour’s Church.
The firm that that had previously printed our Guides closed its doors in April, so we had to find another means of communication. We produced Newsletters in May, June, July and August followed by a return to The Guide in September. We now have our Guides printed by Prontaprint which means it is necessary to have them ready for immediate photocopying and printing. The bonus is that we can afford to have full colour copies, a very positive outcome!
The RPWBRA worked hard to keep in touch with members but we did not wish to expose our volunteer road stewards to the virus. However, we are very grateful to those stewards who were not shielding and were able to deliver copies to residents in a COVID-safe way
Redrow/Tesco Public Inquiry; Tesco site, 265 Burlington Road.
The RWBPRA is a full party to the Inquiry. Read more Tesco/Redrow Appeal Update - 10 December2020
208-212 Burlington Road - Planning App:20/1688
The RPWBRA has already lodged a comprehensive objection to this plan for an inappropriate seven storey development overlooking Barnard Gardens. Read More: 208-212 Burlington Road (20/P1688)
Bellway/Meadowview Playing Field (Former LESSA) – App:20/P3237
Bellway homes has now made a planning application to build 89 properties on the sports ground at Meadowview Road. Read More: Bellway Plans to build houses on Meadowview Sports Ground
The company bought the land knowing that the Planning Inspectorate had decided that a maximum of 44 houses and flats could be built there, on the strict basis that the rest of the land should be retained as a sports ground. All offers from local schools and sports organisations are being dismissed by Bellway, as not viable.
Proposed Wyke Road Development - App:20/PO945
An unsuitable plan to build dwellings along the length of Wyke Road is of great concern and we are examining the details. Our new Committee Member, Mary-Jane Jeanes, has already submitted a comprehensive formal objection.
A full set of planning apps to keep us busy! However, looking on the bright side, and in Shelley’s words:
“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
My very best wishes to you all!
John Elvidge, Chairman