Local events

Martin Way Allotments, Saturday 18 May

The Martin Way Allotments & Gardens Association will be holding its annual plant sale on Saturday 18 May 2024, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Raynes Park Library - Events


Click here for the latest news and events taking place at Raynes Park Library.





West Barnes Library - Latest Events

West Barnes Library in Motspur Park

Check out the updated Friends of West Barnes Library website at www.friendsowbl.org.uk. 

Volunteers needed

Can you spare a couple of hours occasionally? West Barnes Library urgently needs more volunteers to help at a range of levels to assist staff. You could be helping keep the library open for the people of Motspur Park. Training will be given. For details and to apply, please ask at the counter. 

The FoWBL Events team are looking for volunteers to organise events and to come up with some new ideas.   If you are interested in helping please contact the Friends at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.friendsowbl.org.uk

Up-Coming Events 

Click here to link to the latest Monthly Activities

Click here for the latest West Barnes Library Newsletter





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