Picture Gallery

This is a new page on our website, started in December 2012. If you wish to add interesting photos of our locality, you are welcome to email them via the link on the "Contact Us" page.

(Please kindly note that, whilst we will try to keep an interesting mix of pictures on display, selection will be the editor's personal choice) 

Click on any picture icon or link to see more.

 Wild Life 2003




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Kingfisher at Pyl Brook (off Grand Drive), Christmas Day 2012 - Photo: Andrew Barwick




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Rime Frost, December 2012 - Photo: Andrew Barwick
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Purple Salsify, June 2011 - Photo: Jerry Cuthbert
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Veteran Trees on Cannon Hill Common, 2011 - Photo: Andrew Barwick
Red Kite Photo: Linda Fitch 2024

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