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West Barnes Library - Feb 2018

News from West Barnes Library... 

About our Volunteers

There are currently 36 volunteers at West Barnes Library, who perform a range of duties that assist the permanent staff and allow the library to maintain its opening hours.  (The spur for the present Monday volunteering,  in particular, and the formation of the Friends of West Barnes Library, was when, in 2011, it seemed possible that the library might have to close on Mondays. The support offered by the Friends and those who volunteered to cover Mondays meant the library could remain open five days a week.)

Volunteers' work include 'meeting and greeting' those using the library; assisting library users with the computers and printing; shelving books and ensuring that books are in the right order (so they can be found!); locating books required by other libraries; setting out (and putting away) furniture and equipment for events (such as local history talks and the Rendezvous Group).  Many volunteers are also involved in activities organised by the Friends of the library. 

Ever since the Friends of West Barnes Library was formed in 2011, there has been a close connection between them and the volunteers.  Most of those involved in organising the Friends are, or have been, library volunteers.  The Friends organise Quiz Nights, fairs, Board Games evenings, local history talks and talks by authors, and from time to time buy items for the library--such as the tables and a sandwich board given during the past year.  

Toby Ewin

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