Local developments
Rainbow Estate - October 2013

The revised Planning Brief for the Rainbow Industrial Estate was approved by the Council Planning Advisory Committee on 1 August 2013. This was despite a number of objections and queries raised by this Association. Many other organisations and individuals made similar points.
The Planning Brief and the associated minutes of the PAC meeting can be found on this link; http://www.merton.gov.uk/environment/designandconservation/design/rainbow_estate.htm
Our Association's submission can be read here: The Association's Response - Rainbow Estate - July 2013.
So the next stage would be for a developer to submit a Planning Application, before we can formally make any further formal representations to the Planning Committee. In the meantime, another public meeting was convened by local ward councillors. This took place at Raynes Park Library on 8 October 2013 and discussed this and some other planning issues in Raynes Park. The feeling amongst local people is still very strong that this site is far more suitable for employment-led uses than residential. The sorts of issues raised were the number of jobs that may be lost and the increased burden on already stretched local infrastructure that 200+ dwellings are certain to cause.
Earlier articles about the Rainbow Estate may be found below: