Useful Telephone Numbers

If a service is not listed here which you would like information on, please call Merton Council's main reception number on 020 8274 4901 and staff will be happy to help.
We've recently become aware that some residents are contacting the Council with complaints or requests (e.g. concerning a rotten tree in the street) and not giving their name and address.
Please note that it's essential to give your name and address. Your email address is insufficient.
Please note that it's essential to give your name and address. Your email address is insufficient.
Abandoned vehicles – 020 8274 4902
Adult & community education - 020 8543 9292
Allotments - 020 8545 3665
Area Forums (RP&WB) - 020 8545 4400
Benefits service - 020 8545 4179
Blue badges - 020 8545 4661
Building control services - 020 8545 3145
Bulky household waste collection
service - 020 8274 4902
Cemeteries - 020 8545 3666
Allotments - 020 8545 3665
Area Forums (RP&WB) - 020 8545 4400
Benefits service - 020 8545 4179
Blue badges - 020 8545 4661
Building control services - 020 8545 3145
Bulky household waste collection
service - 020 8274 4902
Cemeteries - 020 8545 3666
Citizens advice bureau - 0844 243 8430
Consultation and Community
Engagement Team - 0208 545 3896
Family Information Advice and Guidance Team – 020 8274 5830
Consultation and Community
Engagement Team - 0208 545 3896
Family Information Advice and Guidance Team – 020 8274 5830
Flooding Emergency - Thames Water - 0800 316 9800
Flooding Emergency - Environment Agency - 0800 807 060
Council tax and finance - 020 8274 4904
Council tax benefit - 020 8274 4903
Education welfare service – 020 8545 4021
Fly posting/Fly tipping – 020 8274 4902
Flooding Emergency - Thames Water 0800 316 9800
Council tax and finance - 020 8274 4904
Council tax benefit - 020 8274 4903
Education welfare service – 020 8545 4021
Fly posting/Fly tipping – 020 8274 4902
Flooding Emergency - Thames Water 0800 316 9800
Flooding Emergency - Environment Agency 0800 807 060
Footpaths - 020 8545 3700
Freedom passes - 020 8545 4901
Garden waste - 020 8274 4902
Garden waste - 020 8274 4902
Grounds Maintenance - 020 8545 3664
Housing benefit - 020 8274 4903
Merton Adult Access Team 020 8545 4430
Noise - 020 8545 3025
Pest Control Advice – 020 8545 3022
Police (Local Stations) - 101
Housing benefit - 020 8274 4903
Merton Adult Access Team 020 8545 4430
Noise - 020 8545 3025
Pest Control Advice – 020 8545 3022
Police (Local Stations) - 101
(for non-emergency matters in all Metropolitan districts)
Road cleaning - 020 8274 4902
Road safety - 020 8545 3205
Rubbish & recycling - 020 8274 4902
School admissions - 020 8274 4906
Road safety - 020 8545 3205
Rubbish & recycling - 020 8274 4902
School admissions - 020 8274 4906
Sports Bookings - 020 8545 3667
Stray animals - 020 8274 4902
Street lighting - 020 8545 3220
Tree preservation - 020 8545 3815
Updated 22nd October 2012
Stray animals - 020 8274 4902
Street lighting - 020 8545 3220
Tree preservation - 020 8545 3815
Updated 22nd October 2012