Chairman's Blog - November 2015


The successful merger of two local GP’s practices into the Nelson Medical Centre brings into focus the lack of a similar centre in Motspur Park. While the existing West Barnes Practice is highly regarded by its patients, it cannot have the range of facilities now on offer in a dedicated medical centre, such as is provided at the Nelson Hospital. 

Of course, there would be a major cost for such a provision, and it would take years in the planning, but do local residents think that steps should be taken now to see if one can be provided? Please let us know the extent of public interest in such an idea.  The suggestion has been made that it could be placed on the Tesco site where the store already has a pharmacy, and might be welcomed by them as providing further customers as well as supplying an imaginative community  facility! 


When the Residents’ Association was formed in 1928, its major purpose was to prove social activities of all kinds for the people leaving inner London in the housing boom of the late 20’s and the 30’s.  You can see the range of social activities that are still affiliated to the RA on the inside cover of The Guide. 

The Association used to run parties and dances for local residents, but this ended sometime in the 70’s. 

The conversion of the former tennis pavilion into a warm and accessible centre, that can hold events of all kinds, has been highly successful, and has led to the resurrection of the Association’s role in social activities. 

The Pavilion Club, which meets on Thursday afternoons, is thriving, and is much enjoyed by our more senior citizens. Its members are adventurous, and the Club has organised successful trips recently to Blenheim Palace and to Bletchley Park.  These outings were also offered to the Raynes Park Town Women’s Guild and the Tuesday Rendezvous Rendezvous Members, as well as to the wider Resident’s Association community.

 Separately there is an annual trip to the gardens at Wisley, which is always a highlight of the horticultural year.   More trips and outings are being planned for next year, and in addition Pavilion Club Members meet for lunch about once a month, and are currently planning their Christmas celebration.   So do look out for invitations to these events in The Guide each month.

 When I was a child, the Association used to organise a children’s party each Christmas, which was held at St Saviour’s Church, but this too fell into abeyance. Is there anyone out there who would like to organise a similar party, perhaps to celebrate the Queen’s official 90th birthday in June?

 The Committee has already taken the decision to have a social event on a Saturday afternoon around that time for our loyal band of area-co-ordinators and road stewards, given the success of the ‘Thank you’ party we held for them when the Pavilion was officially opened.


 The Guide pays for itself through the advertisements it carries for local businesses. Many of these are “repeats” carried in each monthly edition, but we are also on the lookout for new advertisers.  This is co-ordinated by an honorary Advertisement Manager, and, at the moment, we need an enthusiastic volunteer to undertake this role. It is not too time consuming, but is vital if we are to continue being able to send out the Guide in its current form each month.   If you are at all interested, please contact Jill Truman here, who is combining this position at the moment with her duties as Editor, and who will be very happy to explain what is involved.


At the moment, we await to hear whether the London Mayor’s office has called in the development proposals for this site, which we set out at length in the October edition. We very much hope that they are, given the over intensity of flats on the site at the expense of business and light industrial user.

 It has been reported to this Association that the debate in Merton’s Planning Applications Committee was perfunctory and unsatisfactory.


 It may not be generally realised that there are now no specific bins in our parks in which to put dog mess. Instead, the Council has decreed that this be placed in the general litter bins.  This is hardly a hygienic option and since the bins have no tightly fitting lid, they will become very smelling in warm weather.  This makes it even more imperative that the bins are emptied on a regular basis and as soon as they are full. The ones on the Sir Joseph Hood and Joseph Hood Playing Fields and on Cannon Hill Common are frequently overloaded and spilling over with mess at weekends. They are not collected until the Monday. The same problem afflicts the Prince George’s Playing Field and Morden Park. While we appreciate the financial constraints that the Council operates under, this does seem to be something worth high priority as it is a complete eyesore.

John Elvidge

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