Local news

Raynes Park Association - Jan 2018

Raynes Park Enhancement Plan

Railway News

A meeting was held between Paul McGarry LBM, Neil Milligan LBM, Tony Edwards, Chris Edge & Chris Larkman.  The purpose of the meeting had been to discuss how to respond to a recent unhelpful email from Kirsty Scott (Network Rail) regarding improvements to Raynes Park Station.  It was agreed that Chris Larkman would raise the issues with Stephen Hammond who has subsequently agreed to call a meeting at Westminster with Network Rail and key RPA members.

Advertising Hoardings

The RPA has also askedLBM to take enforcement action against the owners of the property on Coombe Lane at the junction of Durham Road for removal of the advertising hoardings.  Chris Larkman has alsomet with Shay Brown, Station Manager, who has agreed to note the matters which are specifically South West Rail to see how she can assist. 

Bins to the North of the Skew Arch.  Stephen Crowe agreed that these bins should be removed, and he is going to follow up on this.


Local Business Issues

It was reported that cars continue to travel the wrong way on the one-way system, and there have been ‘several accidents’ including one serious one which was witnessed by Julie Donabie from her shop.  Julie also said there has been several ‘smash and grab’ robberies including one opposite her shop when someone on a scooter smashed a car window to steal a bag.  She claimed there are still problems with flooding and illegal parking e.g. on pavements.  


It was noted that Thames Water had made it clear at the last Community Forum that issues of flooding relating to the public sewer should be reported directly to them on 0800 807 060 or 0800 316 9800 rather than LBM.  Blocked drains remain LBM’s responsibility.


New Malden – Raynes Park Pedestrian & Cycle Route

This has now been formally approved.  Details of the route through Raynes Park to be consulted on soon.



Jerry Cuthbert noted that the project was not given the formal go-ahead in the budget, though it had received a brief mention.  

 Chris Larkman

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