Local news

Townswomen's Guild - Jan 2018

Alice in Winterland – the Christmas show at the Rose Theatre, Kingston – was enjoyed by a small party from the TWG.  Loosely based on the Alice in Wonderland tale it proved to be a delightful well produced play with a big cast, incorporating music and dance, and large creatures animated by teams of the cast.  For those looking for something a little different from the usual pantomime this was perfect. 

The Christmas Lunch was very well attended, arranged at The Leather Bottle, Merton.  Members had a choice of menu, all variations being well received by members. 

Our first meeting in the New Year will be on Thursday, 18th January at 1.30 at St Saviour’s Church Hall.  Mel Rees will give a talk entitled ‘My family and other setbacks’.  As always, visitors will be welcome. 

Best wishes from the Townswomen’s Guild for a healthy and happy 2018. 

Dorothy Raymond



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