Local developments

265 Burlington Road

The Association has been contacted by Sarah Wardle of BECG, who specialise in community engagement. They are currently working with Redrow Homes, who recently acquired an interest in Land at Tesco, New Malden.  

Sarah Wardle explains, “The site comprises 265 Burlington Road, a 1980s office building, and part of Tesco car park. Redrow is in the early stages of formulating plans to deliver new homes and commercial space on the site and has started to engage with planning officers. To complement these discussions, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with the local community, to discuss our initial plans for the site and gain your feedback. 

We would also like to invite you to our public consultation the details of which are as follows: 

Venue: Holy Cross Church, Douglas Ave, Motspur Park KT3 6HT

Date: 11th September

Time: 4- 8pm”


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